The risks which can be insured by Export Credit Greece are divided into “commercial” and “political”.
“Commercial” risks of non-payment are:
- Insolvency of the foreign buyer
- Delay of the foreign buyer (i.e. unjustified delay to pay the invoice)
- Arbitrary termination, amendment or non-execution of the export contract by the buyer. A typical example of an arbitrary termination of the export contract, with a “Cash Against Documents’’ payment settlement, is the one where the importer does not come to the intermediary foreign bank to pay the value of the imported goods/services and to receive from the bank the relevant documents required in order to receive the goods.
“Political risks” of non-payment are offered “as a package” and are:
- Force majeure events (civil war or war against another country, civil unrest, general strikes, natural disasters, etc.)
- Transfer risk. Transfer risk means that while the foreign importer-debtor deposits on time in a bank of their country the outstanding amount in domestic currency, the conversion into foreign currency and the relevant remittance in Greece does not take place, because there is no foreign currency adequacy in the importing country.
- Cancelation of the import license.
- Imposition of a moratorium in the country of destination of the export. The moratorium, inter alia, suspends certain deadlines and therefore prevents the timely repayment of the insured credits.